Drug and Alcohol Services - Camden

Get advice right now

If you have a question or you're worried about something, we’re here for you. Our online chat service is free and you'll be speaking to a trained worker. 

Our online timetable

Here are the groups we're currently running online. There is info in each group about how to join.

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SMART Recovery's 4-Point Program® online helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviours, including: alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities. SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is not a 12-step group, like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). 

Zoom ID: 946 8301 8876

Password: 490205


A weekly peer-led support group around maintaining abstinence from alcohol. Speak to your keyworker re attending this group. 



The Foundations of Recovery course helps us to further understand and change our addictive behaviours using well-researched methods. The first four weeks (Foundations of Change) tackle the changing of these behaviours, while the second four weeks (Foundations of Growth) focus on the maintenance of this change. Speak to your keyworker regarding attending this group.


An introduction to mindfulness and a health advice session. This is an open group.

Zoom ID: 870 8195 7124 

Password: 508530 



Café Based Community Group. Support from peers and facilitators. A source of information about other recovery and wellbeing support services. Zoom log-in details are overleaf. For further info or to give feedback, contact jane.robinson@cgl.org.uk.

Zoom ID: 89111477730 

Password: 565971 


The Foundations of Recovery course helps us to further understand and change our addictive behaviours using well-researched methods. The first four weeks (Foundations of Change) tackle the changing of these behaviours, while the second four weeks (Foundations of Growth) focus on the maintenance of this change. Speak to your keyworker regarding attending this group.  


Many drug and alcohol users are motivated to start their recovery journey by hearing and learning from others who have experienced addiction themselves. Talking to people who understand your situation and allowing them to support you can be invaluable on your journey. Peer Support Drop in facilitated by SHP exist to inspire others on their recovery journey, showing that recovery is possible through promoting activities that support a life free from addiction. 

Zoom ID: 81059221673 

Password: 094398 


You can make an appointment for this with your keyworker.



The Foundations of Recovery course helps us to further understand and change our addictive behaviours using well researched methods. The first four weeks (Foundations of Change) tackle the changing of these behaviours, while the second four weeks (Foundations of Growth) focus on the maintenance of this change. Speak to your keyworker regarding attending this group.  


This is an online closed group. Please email dahlia.raz@cgl.org.uk for info about joining, or speak to your keyworker.


Facilitated Peer Support Group for individuals who take benzodiazepines. Open after Assessment. Anyone interested in attending or for further info, please contact Melanie Davis melanie.davis@cgl.org.uk 



Join us for a yoga session. This is an open group which means anyone can join.

Zoom ID: 854 6258 8750  

Passcode: 884786 


An eight-week psychology programme developing skills to support complete abstinence from alcohol.  Speak to your keyworker re attending this group.  


SMART Recovery's 4-Point Program® online helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviours, including: alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities. SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is not a 12-step group, like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). 

Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 947 3867 3562

Passcode: 060243


A therapeutic compassion focussed support group to empower women. The objective of the group is to provide a safe and confidential and empathic space to explore and gain support with issues specific to women in treatment. Within a shared learning experience, woman have the opportunity to share and gain support to identify, discuss and achieve solution focussed treatment to improve their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Speak to your keyworker about attending this group.  

man smiling standing in front of a brick wall

We're here for you.

We offer a free, open access service for anyone affected by alcohol or drugs.

ICAS - Integrated Camden Alcohol Service

Community Drug Service

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