Drug and Alcohol Services - Camden

woman talking in a group

How we can help

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We help Camden residents aged 18 and over who are affected by someone else's drug or alcohol use.

We can help family members, partners, or friends to regain control over their own life, whether the person using drugs or alcohol is receiving help or not.

A person's drug or alcohol use has a big impact on people close to them. Family members and friends can find that their own health and wellbeing are affected. They may find themselves feeling responsible, but unsure how to help. Some Space offers practical information and support.

woman standing on a bridge looking into the distance

Individual support sessions

The family members and friends we speak to bring many thoughts, feelings, and questions - about the past, present and future. We can help to talk these through, and maybe make some sense of the situation. Sometimes people use the sessions to minimise risks and plan what changes are realistic and within their control. Sometimes the sessions are a space to grieve, and/or to get your life back. If you wish, we can let you know what (usually free) support is available to your loved one and what is needed to access it, as well as what it can be like for family members if a loved one starts treatment or goes to/comes out of rehab. We can also link you to local family and friends groups that you may wish to attend after or alongside our sessions. 

two men sitting outside

Joint (TANDEM) sessions

We define our lives by our relationships. We are sons, daughters, siblings, wives, husbands, parents, partners, grandparents. Friends, colleagues, business partners.

If alcohol or drugs is affecting one of those relationships, it can be difficult. Our TANDEM therapy sessions help you to learn how to cope with conflict and prevent miscommunication with your loved ones.

a woman and a man sitting on the stairs laughing

Group meetups

Our meetups are an opportunity to talk in a safe space with people who are in similar situations.

Spending time with other people who are having the same thoughts, feelings and experiences can really help. Get in touch to find out more about the groups we offer.

Three people are sitting together smiling


When you are exploring your situation, you might discover issues that could benefit from longer and more focused assistance. We can offer up to 12 counselling sessions to support you with this.

man standing under a bridge looking sincere with a straight face

Alternative therapies

Sometimes, talking can be overwhelming and difficult. If you'd prefer, we can offer a range of different therapies, like:

  • Acupuncture
  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga

Managing risks

We can also help you talk through and plan for yourself and loved ones who may be at risk of harm.

  • It is important that people get medical advice and care to reduce gradually and stop. Read our advice about cutting down or stopping drinking.
  • Opiate replacement medications like methadone can be highly toxic, even in very small doses, for children. Get in touch with our drug service for safe medication storage boxes.
  • Naloxone is a drug that can reverse an overdose. We can train and provide you a kit so you can protect your loved ones at risk of an overdose. Read more about naloxone here.

Contact us

If you'd like to get in touch to ask any questions or find out more about what we offer, please do get in touch.

Phone: 0203 227 4950

Email: Some.Space@cgl.org.uk 



If you have a question or you're worried about something, we’re here for you. Our online chat service is free and you'll be speaking to a trained worker. 

Speak to us online


Click here to follow us on Twitter

Refer yourself or someone else

Find us

  • We are just off Arlington Road, a short walk from Camden Town underground station.

    Your appointments can be in various locations in Camden. We will discuss this together. We try our best to accommodate to your needs and time commitments.

  • 7-8 Early Mews
    Arlington Road
    London NW1 7HG

Opening times

  • Monday9.00 - 20.00
  • Tuesday9.00 - 17.00
  • Wednesday9.00 - 17.00
  • Thursday9.00 - 20.00
  • Friday9.00 - 17.00

For professionals

We support family members, friends, and partners of those who use substances. Our service bridges the divide between them. Often there is one shared problem that we address holistically.

Any person affected by someone else’s substance use – at present and in the past – can be referred to our service. To refer someone to our service, please complete our referral form.



Some Space can provide workshops for staff teams, volunteers, and others in the borough of Camden who may interact with family members, friends, and carers. Contact us for more information.

man having a conversation with another man and looking off into the distance
A woman is having a conversation in a group