Medication-assisted treatment toolkit

We know that medication-assisted treatments (MAT), such as the prescription of methadone and buprenorphine, are our most powerful interventions. Supporting people to begin MAT at the earliest and safest opportunity saves lives.

It’s vital that people receiving MAT have the right treatment for their needs. This includes spending time with people to make sure they are on the most appropriate dose.

We’ve worked with our staff and people who use our services to develop a new toolkit to improve MAT in our services. This toolkit is now being used by our frontline staff to improve: induction onto MAT, opioid maintenance, detoxification and recovery support for those who want to come off MAT and supervised consumption.

We believe that the toolkit can improve service users’ experience of MAT not just in Change Grow Live services, but across the wider sector. If you think the toolkit could improve your working practice and even help to save lives, please take a look.

The toolkit is primarily for Change Grow Live staff so you will notice references to our case management system, CRiiS. This is our data source but the approach within the toolkit can also be applied to your own data sources as required. If you would like a high resolution copy of the toolkit, please email

If you have any feedback or you would like to talk to us about improving MAT in your organisation or service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via

This project has the potential to make a huge difference to people’s lives, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of services across the country.