Alcohol and drugs advice

If you’re concerned about your drinking or drug use but aren’t sure what steps to take, you can find lots of information and advice here.

woman smiling sitting on a chair talking to two people
two men sitting down having a group conversation
woman talking in a group

Find a service near you

If you need more support, our drug and alcohol services can support and guide you through your journey to recovery. They're free and confidential and everyone is welcome.


A man stood outside smiling

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Useful websites and apps

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SAM app

Understand and manage your anxiety with self-help exercises.
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narcotics anonymous preview

Narcotics Anonymous

Regular support groups all over the country for people with an addiction to drugs.
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NA meeting search app screenshot in a phone

NA Meeting search app

Find your nearest Narcotics Anonymous meeting, anywhere around the world.
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cociane anonymous website preview

Cocaine Anonymous

Groups across the country where you can share your experience of managing or recovering from a cocaine addiction.
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fridaymonday preview


Information about sex and drugs, and reducing harm, for gay and bisexual men.
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release website preview


Harm reduction advice for different drugs and information around drug law and your rights.
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drugfam preview


Support for families, friends and partners affected by someone else’s addiction to drugs or alcohol.
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talk to frank website preview

Talk to Frank

Information about drugs, their effects and the law.
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Preview of MEN R US website


Health, life and wellbeing information and support for gay men. Advice on drugs and chemsex.
Visit the site
The apps above are produced and owned by third parties. We make no guarantees that the information within them is accurate or up to date. Please get professional healthcare advice before taking any action.